Please note this program remains subject to change
8:15am-9am Registration
Welcome and Official Opening
Niara Mansell, Welcome to Country
Tania Hunt, YNOT CEO
The Hon Roger Jaensch MP, Minister for Children and Young People
Sophie Calic, Transition to Work Manager, Workskills Tasmania Gold Sponsor
Keynote: Beyond Enterprises to Ecosystems
Rebecca Scott, OAM, Co-CEO, STREAT
Bec is recognised nationally as a leading social innovator and will share some of STREAT’s recent work collaborating with others to build networks, precincts, aggregators, Communities of Practice and incubators.
Panel discussion: Social enterprise in the local context
Adam Mostogl, CEO & Chief Entrepreneur, The van Diemen Project
Ant Edler, Founder and CEO, The Tasmanian Bike Collective
Emily Briffa, Founder and CEO, Hamlet
Megan Denne, Troublesmiths Coordinator
10:40am Morning tea break
Centring young people’s voices: Challenging the status quo
Interim Commissioner for Children and Young People, Isabelle Crompton
Isabelle will provide a high-level summary of her recent advocacy on behalf of children and young people, including how she has engaged with children and young people to hear their views about significant government reforms arising from Tasmania’s recent Commission of Inquiry.
Defining and Strengthening the Lived Experience Workforce
Steve Bobs, Training and Development Project Officer, LEx Training Hub, Mental Health Council of Tasmania
Steve’s presentation will explore the roles of Lived Experience Workers (LEx), Lived Experience Advocates (LEA), peer mentors, peer workers, and peer supporters – clarifying their unique contributions and intersections.
Youth panel discussion: Insights about working in the community sector
12:30pm Lunch break
Keynote: Preventing Burnout and Moral Injury
Dr Amy Imms, Founder, The Burnout Project
Amy will share a framework to address the three phases of responding to burnout and you will come away with an understanding of workplace and individual factors that lead to burnout, and practical strategies you can use to address key management areas including stress, compassion fatigue, and moral injury.
Cultural Safety for Aboriginal Children, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
2:30pm Afternoon tea break
Building Cultural Capability
Nita O’Callaghan Teaching Fellow, Applied Health and Community Support, University College, UTAS
Nita is committed to challenging the assumptions and unconscious bias we each hold at both the personal and the systemic levels; to bring awareness, inclusion, respect and self-determination into every engagement with every person in every context.
Closing remarks from Sally Thompson, Chair, YNOT
4pm Event close
Please take the time to check out our exhibitors during breaks in the program. Exhibitors include: Uniting Vic/Tas, CatholicCare Tas, Workskills Tasmania, Home Base, Brand Tasmania, the Rob Fairs Foundation, and the Migrant Resource Centre.