Home Publications Publications This page is a collection of all publications available on the YNOT website. Select a filter to refine your search. Document Category - Any -Annual ReportBudgetChild and Youth SafetyEventGovernmentMediaPublicationReportResourceSectorStrategic PlanSubmissionsTasmanian Youth ConferenceTasmanian Youth ForumYouthYouth Week Tasmania Apply Report, Sector, Tasmanian Youth Forum TYF 2015 - Learning and Education Report (2016) 30 April 2016 Tasmanian Youth Forum 2015 Learning and Education Report. TYF 2015 - Mental Health Matters 30 June 2015 Tasmanian Youth Forum 2015 Mental Health Matters Report. Event, Media Tasmanians join national call to take action on youth homelessness 13 April 2016 Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD) is a national awareness raising campaign that encourages all Australians to take a stand against youth homelessness in our communities. Media, Tasmanian Youth Forum Learning and Education Report Launch 11 April 2016 Today the Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) launches its Learning and Education Report which communicates the ideas from young Tasmanians who participated in a statewide consultation run in November last year by the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF). Young people have their say on Tasmanian education 04 November 2015 Tasmanian young people will contribute their ideas on how the State can improve its low rate of educational attainment at the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF) Learning and Education Youth Forum today. Youth Mental Health Report Released 27 July 2015 Mental health is important for young Tasmanians, but more skills are needed for young people to maintain positive mental health and to support others. Positive mental health a priority for young people 20 March 2015 Young people have shown that increasing their knowledge about positive mental health is a priority for them, by attending the Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF) Mental Health Matters Statewide Forum in Launceston today. Media, Youth Week Tasmania National Youth Week begins but future of event in doubt 08 April 2016 YNOT is excited to launch National Youth Week 2016 'Following the Future', but the future of the event remains in doubt. Government, Media YNOT welcomes new Strategy for Youth Suicide Prevention 11 March 2016 YNOT welcomes the release of the Tasmanian Government’s Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy today. The devil is in the detail - Youth Engagement Budget slashed 14 May 2015 YNOT and the Australian youth sector call for government to reinstate funding to national youth engagement programs that have been slashed in the Federal Budget. Submissions, Government Response to Healthy Tasmania Five Year Strategic Plan – Community Consultation Draft 26 February 2016 YNOT believes that the social determinants of health should form the foundational framework for the Healthy Tasmania Strategic Plan. Response to SASS Options Paper 27 January 2015 YNOT’s primary concern associated with the issue of children and young people displaying SAB and PSB is that there is no comprehensive framework which guides, and empowers, the actions of responsive services. Publication, Resource YNOT Constitution (2015) 18 November 2015 The Youth Network of Tasmania is governed by our constitution, which sets out rules around YNOT membership, governance and board activity. Submissions YNOT Submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute Issues Paper on Bullying 07 July 2015 YNOT welcomes this opportunity to provide a submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute (TLRI) in response to the issues discussed in the Bullying Issues Paper. Tasmanian Youth Forum, Youth TYF 2015 - What young people said about 'Mental Health Matters' 30 June 2015 What young people said about mental health at the 2015 Tasmanian Youth Forum. Report, Resource, Sector, Youth Youth Participation and Leadership: Youth Resource 26 June 2015 YNOT's guide and considerations for young people to increase engagement and participation in organisations. Report, Resource, Sector Youth Participation and Leadership: Organisation Resource 26 June 2015 YNOT's guide and considerations to actively involve young people to increase their engagement and participation in organisations. Budget, Government, Media 2015-16 YNOT Summary of Tasmanian State Budget 28 May 2015 YNOT attended the community lock-up before the release of the 2015-2016 State Government Budget, on Thursday 28 May. Budget brings youth employment focus but punitive welfare measures remain 13 May 2015 YNOT has cautiously welcomed the Commonwealth Government’s budget announcement of a Youth Employment Strategy. Submissions, Budget Budget Submission to Treasury for 2015-16 02 February 2015 YNOT welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission on behalf of the Tasmanian youth sector to the State Government’s community budget submission process for 2015-16. Resource, Sector YNOT Youth Sector Acronyms Directory 01 July 2014 YNOT has developed an acronyms directory to help you to keep up to date with all those acronyms that the community sector are so well known for! It includes state, national, Governmnet and non Government acronyms. We are always looking to update it so if you have suggestions please email us with them. Youth Sector Coordination Chart 01 July 2014 A visual guide to the key stakeholders in the Tasmanian Youth Sector. Youth Ethics Framework for Tasmania (Case Studies) 04 December 2012 The Youth Ethics Framework was developed in consultation with the Tasmanian youth sector. The Framework is a voluntary guide for youth sector workers and organisations to support appropriate and ethical practice when engaging with young Tasmanians. This document provides case studies of the Framework being used by Tasmanian organisations. Youth Ethics Framework for Tasmania (Poster) 04 December 2012 The Youth Ethics Framework was developed in consultation with the Tasmanian youth sector. The Framework is a voluntary guide for youth sector workers and organisations to support appropriate and ethical practice when engaging with young Tasmanians. This poster is a resource presenting the Code of Ethics for the Tasmanian youth sector. Youth Ethics Framework for Tasmania 04 December 2012 The Youth Ethics Framework was developed in consultation with the Tasmanian youth sector. The Framework is a voluntary guide for youth sector workers and organisations to support appropriate and ethical practice when engaging with young Tasmanians. This booklet provides full details on the development of the Framework as well as tools to implement the recommendations for Tasmanian youth ethics. SYC's guide to consulting with Young People (Pamphlet) 16 March 2012 The top ten tips for consulting with young people, pamphlet developed by the Statewide Youth Collaborative (SYC) Group. SYC's guide to consulting with Young People (Poster) 16 March 2012 The top ten tips for consulting with young people, poster developed by the Statewide Youth Collaborative (SYC) Group. Strategic Plan YNOT Strategic Plan 2013-16 21 August 2013 Resource, Youth SYC's consultation guide for young people (pamphlet) 16 March 2012 The top ten tips guiding consultation with young people, pamphlet developed by the Statewide Youth Collaborative (SYC) Group. SYC's consultation guide for young people (poster) 16 March 2012 The top ten tips guiding consultation with young people, poster developed by the Statewide Youth Collaborative (SYC) Group. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6