Northern Youth Advisory Groups
City of Launceston Youth Advisory Group (YAG)
YAG is made up of young people aged 12-25 years and its primary role is to act as a consultative and communicative link between Launceston City Council and young people. YAG also plays a vital role in informing and advising the broader community about matters that affect them.
Meeting times: Every second Monday (during school term), 4PM-5PM
Location: City Of Launceston, Town Hall
Contact person: Oscar O'Shea Youth Development
Email: Oscar.O'
Phone: 6323 3714 or 0418 186 655
headspace Youth Reference Group
headspace's Youth Reference Group is for young people aged 15-25 years living in the North. hART gives young people an opportunity to meet new people and inform the work of headspace, including planning and running youth events, workshops, school talks and headspace information stalls at community events. Importantly, hART members also help shape the design and delivery of the local headspace centres to help other young people.
Meeting times: Monthly
Location: City Of Launceston, Headspace
Contact person: Community Awareness Officer
Phone: 6335 3100
Meander Valley Council Youth Liaison Group
The Meander Valley Council Youth Liaison Group consists of people aged between 12-25 years. The group meets to discuss ideas for the community that can be shared with Councillors at Council workshops.
Meeting times: Periodically
Location: Please Contact us
Contact person: Nate Austen
Mobile: 6393 5366
West Tamar Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
YAC is a team of young people, aged 12-25 years, working with the West Tamar Council influencing future thinking and strategies, in exciting and creative ways for the community. YAC are a voice for young people in the community and are involved with things such as organising events and activities in the West Tamar, engagement with the wider-community and offering advice from a young person’s perspective.
Meeting times: Second Tuesday of every month and 1-2 times a month for focus group meetings
Location: Riverside, West Tamar
Contact person: Kirsten Howard, Youth Development Officer
Phone: 6323 9206