TYF 2023: Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Survey

Survey now open! 

Access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q9LZSC7

The Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF) 2023 ‘Mental Wellbeing and Resilience’ is about hearing young Tasmanian’s ideas to support positive mental health. 

This survey is for young people aged 12-25 years who currently live in Tasmania. 

We want to hear your ideas and solutions about what young people need to support good mental wellbeing and to be resilient through challenging times.  

This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Participants can enter the draw for 1 of 2 x $50 gift voucher

What will you do with my information?
YNOT will deidentify and collate responses to produce a report for the Tasmanian Government, decision-makers, young people and the wider Tasmanian community about what we heard. 

Your feedback will remain anonymous and you will not be personally identified by participating. Quotes may be used, but will be attributed to a first name and/or preferred pronouns, age and region you live in. 

All information about you will be held in-confidence and will not be made public. YNOT may use your information to inform work outside of this Project. All identifying data will securely stored by YNOT in accordance with obligations set by the Personal Information Protection Act (TAS) 2004. 

Event Dates

