Hobart’s Youth Market

Young People

Visit Hobart’s Youth Market, featuring stalls, performers and workshops by the vibrant and creative young people of Hobart, ages 12-25.
Stalls will be selling handmade artworks, crafts, second hand clothes and premade food. See a packed line-up of local musicians, dance and live painting throughout the day.
Stick around for exciting arts workshops in polymer clay sculpting and cartoon drawing.
This event is open to all ages.
For more information go here: https://www.facebook.com/events/688011609309874

Date: Sunday, April 10th
Time: 10am-3pm
Location: Youth Arts and Recreation Centre, 1 Market Place, Hobart
Target Audience: All Ages
Contact: Youth Arts & Recreation Centre | youthartsandrec.org

Event Dates

Youth Arts and Recreation Centre, 1 Market Place, Hobart
7000 TAS
